Hello it’s the 3rd week of September already! I wanted to get you guys updated on where things at with me. I just keep singing ‘rejoice, rejoice, Emmanuel….” And this is completely Courtney’s fault. You see, she sent me links to the musical the Messiah and I randomly sing them now. But today I am rejoicing and I am reminded of Luke 1, where Mary shares a song of praise.

Luke 1:46-48

And Mary said: “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant…”

64 percent

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This rings true with me today. My spirit is rejoices. I am very thankful. I don’t know why God saved me and is healing me but it is happening. I went to the nephrologist this week (kidney doctor). A normal kidney function is considered to be 60% or higher and Dr E told me I am at 64% now. Wonderful news. Plus the toxicity level of my blood is 1.02 (creatinine) and the normal person has 1.0. He does expect me to continue to recover. I just need to remember to go slow and steady. Praise the Lord!

I have been going to physical therapy for five weeks now, I have one more visit left this week. I am slowly adding more exercises and weights with each visit. Last week they added squats with weights and it about did me in! I couldn’t walk well for a few days after that. I am doing better now and am able to do squats, I just don’t do them with weights yet.

I am still tired in the afternoons but this is improving too. Slow and steady I am adding more to my days. Only every now and then do I over do it and have to rest more.

Thank you God for not calling me home and for continuing to heal me.

Prayer requests

Welcome baby Lily, born 21 September

Tim getting stem cell transplant

Deb continued recory

Trip to visit my family at end of the month

Barbara recovery from knee surgery

Bible study Experiencing God, (we’re on week 9) steadfast and God would change our hearts

Suzanne’s dad Mel and stepmom Pat both have covid. Pat is recovering pretty well. Mel is still in the hospital and they increased his oxygen then intubated him on Tuesday.